"You and your staff deserve commendation for their unrelenting efforts and commitment. You anticipated our needs and increased our operational efficiency."

Chong Mong Ting
Managing Director,
Hong Kong Office of Multi-national Financing Company
"The approach Chris chose helped us in our stride for an efficient ,'change management'. This made all involved people to rethink their previous communication behaviour. It especially showed the need for a differentiated and modified model, suitable for the specific needs and requirements we have to fulfill in our role. Chris clearly supported with his training the successful change we managed to achieve."

Dr. Juerg Dossenbach
Director Asia Logistics Service
European Multi-National Engineering Firm
"Your approach to executive development is, indeed, very unique and powerful. The one-on-one work with each individual manager, coupled with the real-time feedback that you give the senior team around strategic and business issues has helped us all to become more effective in every aspect that is important to our business - working effectively with customers, motivating and coaching others, thinking strategically, communicating effectively, being innovative, and working as leaders more than as managers.

Amii Tam
Deputy Managing Director
Hong Kong and China Based Manufacturer and Exporter

Our Mission

We can help you overcome the challenges of tomorrow through mastering important skills, today.

We do this by enhancing how you, or your company, function at both a personal and organizational level. And we give you a competitive edge to succeed in a rapidly changing world.

Our Method

We continuously identify, develop, and deploy world-best techniques that will help you achieve remarkable results, fast.

By being direct, simple and down-to-earth we make it easy for you to understand, learn and apply.