"I can recommend Chris, with his professional and very personable approach to counseling, to executives seeking to improve cross cultural, cross functional relationships in Asia Pacific; or to those seeking to enhance the understanding of how global business works and how Asia Pacific employees respond under different cultural mores."

W M Thomson
External Affairs
Asia Pacific
Global Chemical Company
"At a recent Asia Pacific Regional External Affairs Meeting in Shanghai, China, Chris staged an especially innovative workshop for some 40 participants. The 'players' were assigned to a manufacturing operation - 'a tile maker's factory'. Here they fulfilled all the traditional management roles under realistic time and cost pressures.Strengths and weaknesses in individuals, and in the company structure were revealed.It contirmed opinions we held about certain procedures we felt were inhibiting thedevelopment of interdependency in a non-cultural work environment. With modification in the workshops, real life personal and group behaviour wasimproved, and conflicts were resolved, without disruption to the day to day workingsof the company."

W M Thomson
External Affairs
Asia Pacific
Global Chemical Company

Learning through doing

To do something for the first time you need to learn new ideas, skills and ways of reacting. The more important and relevant it is to you, the quicker you will learn. And people learn best by actually doing the new task or playing the new role.

We work with clients on real business and personal issues. We bring to bear whatever tools will add value to the situation, and enhance people's ability to learn. We call it Real-Time-Enabling©.

The results are dramatic. Problems are solved, opportunities exploited and new skills learned - all at the same time.